Writing systems have evolved at least four times in human history; from Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), Egypt, and China and there can be no disputing why writing is still important.
Historians agree that the earliest form of writing appeared in Mesopotamia almost 5,500 years ago.
Since the beginning of human time, man has sought to communicate.

Modern technology has radically changed how we communicate through writing, but the skill of being able to write is fundamental to how we communicate and is an essential business skill.
I remember writing lessons in primary and junior school, practising cursive writing on printed sheets. I would marvel at my friend’s beautiful, almost calligraphic script, often disappointed with my own.
And I was often ridiculed for my handwriting by my Italian cousin, who could not understand why English schools didn’t teach us writing skills beyond eleven years.
Writing is an essential life skill, and I recall my father teaching me the correct use of yours sincerely and yours faithfully when I was applying for jobs.
The introductory letter that accompanied my C.V. was the first step in establishing a connection; the way I present myself on paper is the first indication of my personality and how I come across in person.
Making a good impression with excellent handwriting skills was considered essential when writing business letters as it was the first step in introducing yourself to a stranger.
I remember my second year at University when someone in my year had an electric typewriter; we cooed with wonder that this gadget could save time writing assignments.
It was another five years before I experienced an electronic typewriter.

In 1991 and my second job saw my first actual use of a P.C. and the wonders of the intranet ( a company’s local network) that allowed us to send emails or messages as they were back then to colleagues.
By the time I got to my third job, I was in full flow using one of the first iMac P.C.’s.
With increased exposure to modern tech, I never lost the love of writing.
Analogue in a digital world is essential to me, and while I use digital apps for note-taking, there’s something special about opening a brand new moleskin to take notes or journal.
Writing is an art form I want the younger generation to appreciate and enjoy and not lose to modern technology.
Writing helps to get lost in thought and helps with anxiety and depression.
It slows your mind and helps you disentangle worries and thoughts while you write.
Writing is a great way to be creative without being creative.
While it is slower, it can provide thoughtfulness and emotional reflectiveness.
Allowing the mind to wander and write whatever you feel frees it from your mind to paper.
The art of handwriting requires practice, dexterity and time, the latter many of us don’t have.
In my school years, I don’t recall having dedicated writing classes beyond my junior school years, and, like many, writing developed and changed with age.
Practising my autograph was a lot of fun as my friends and I would imagine being famous for autographing each other’s exercise books.

Having an established and practised ‘autograph’ was a rite of passage into adulthood.
And a signature is a legal requirement for bank transactions and cheques.
Facial and fingerprint biometrics are removing the need for signatures.
Should signing a handwritten document be consigned to the annals of history?
That would be terribly sad.
What are the benefits of writing?
Creative writing engages both sides of the brain and helps you work through personal or professional problems.
I often weigh the scales – the pros and cons of some issues, and I write down the for and against and whichever side of the scale tips helps my decision making.
The power of the written word influences our decision making and affects society. Journalists, bloggers, and writers influence our way of thinking; that is why propaganda is effective.
How would historical events have been recorded had there been no written documents?
Imagine no history; how do we learn from past events without the written word?
History has shaped societies and enabled us to develop into modern industrialized nations.
Writing and journaling offer tangible mental health benefits by expressing your innermost feelings by helping you perceptibly process your thoughts.
The act of physically writing down your worries and fears reduces their significance.
How often do you start the new year or month with goals on a note-taking app, only to fail by the next month?
Write down your ideas, goals, and bucket list. Visualizing it makes it real and more tangible, and you are likely to stick to it if you see it on paper.
As each of us is unique in forming our writing, we have individual writing patterns, we join letters differently, and how we space and layout our words, no two people’s writing will look the same.
Handwriting is important and must not be lost to modern tech, and before you cry, ah but think of all the trees, we are saving by not using paper.
As someone who works in the print industry, look at this and see how sustainable print is. https://www.twosides.info/sustainable-products/
The book I’m currently reading https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tragedy-Revealed-Italians-Dalmatia-1943-1956/dp/0802039219
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