We choose which reality to present on social media.
Whether in person, as a large organisation, small business, a brand, or an individual.
Being authentic is not a straightforward process.

Years ago, working as a recruitment consultant, my boss would remind us to wear our masks.
The metaphorical mask you put on to work and then remove when you get back home.
Being true to yourself and others but don’t be completely open was her mantra.
She firmly believed that it was wise to adopt a different persona while interviewing candidates and working with companies.
I admit I found this confusing as the business and self-help books I had read up to that point were perpetuating the importance of authenticity.
I’ve always done my best to stick to being authentic in my life.
Social Media has changed peoples misconceptions of what they believe they see as the real them and what we see are contradictions.

Being authentic is an admirable quality.
Social media has compounded authenticity as we seek to present ourselves as something bigger and better than the next person.
Is it because people crave recognition and acknowledgement?
Do they desire to be memorialised?
When I read posts on social media, there’s a stark contrast to those who genuinely share themselves readily and those who seek admiration via clicks and likes.
What was life like before SM?
I believe the art of self and business promotion is to be 100 per cent yourself and be the real face of your business.
Why is face to face networking so successful?
People like to meet face to face, they can gauge body language and facial expression, something you can’t readily do on social media.
Indeed being authentic and showing your true self builds trust.

As a content writer, I suffuse in my customers psyche the importance of building trust with the reader.
And connecting with their readers through words and imagery.
Unctuousness is synonymous with social media, the pursuit of likes and follows in favour of authenticity.
How many times do you cringe at some celebrity post?
You may think that what you say and do accurately reflects who you are, but is it truly the real you?
Many seek to present themselves in the best light but are we just sharing and telling people what we think they want to see and hear?
The inner subconsciousness suggests otherwise as we seek to be liked and admired.
Our human individuality makes us unique and therefore authentic up to a point.
The pursuit of impressiveness takes us further away from our true selves, leaving an internal vacuum of emptiness.
How can you be your true self while trying to be something you aren’t?
The pursuit of impressiveness exhausts and disquiets those that seek recognition and popularity.
Relying upon other peoples opinions for recognition and reinforcement of our choices lessens our own beliefs, preferences and intentions.
The one thing I have learned with age is not to compare myself with others.
A challenging path to follow given that human nature makes us want to upscale, gain acceptance and attain better things, so we are perceived as successful.
One man’s success is another man’s failure.
Aiming to be the centre of attention and pursuing validation and approval derogates our authentic selves.

It takes us away from who we truly are because we showcase a better version of ourselves that we think the public prefers and will acknowledge.
I have reclaimed my authentic self as I entered menopause. It was an eye-opener.
I don’t covet admiration, although I accept it graciously when offered.
I am confident to acknowledge my success and failures and don’t seek likes, follows and clicks, although it’s nice to be acknowledged.
Being true to oneself is the one human thing we should hold in our hearts.
Whatever shape, colour, creed or religion, being yourself is undoubtedly the most remarkable character-building trait we can aspire to be, but being your authentic self takes courage.
What do you think?