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My last post provided a few tips to help you get over the fear of starting a business blog and in this post,
I showcase six tips to improve your website content writing.
Solopreneurs and SMEs like to take control of their website content writing, believing outsourcing it will somehow dilute the process for them.
I disagree and here’s why; here’s why.
When I started blogging in 2010, I felt like a fraud or an imposter?
Why the heck would anyone want to read my blog posts?
What makes me unique that anyone would read my content?
I had all these misgivings and thoughts that prevented me from starting, and then, in the end, I thought, get on with it.
Blogging developed my passion for writing and the opportunity to help other businesses achieve their content objectives.
The most excellent feeling I get is when I share bits of knowledge that helps someone else and if I could do this for free, I would.
Here are my six tips to improve your website content writing
1. What is your goal or objective for your website content?
I write and share this partly to remind myself because it is easy to slip into the mindset and forget who and why you are writing.
– Is it lead generation,
– subscribers,
– brand development or
– establishing yourself as a thought leader or ‘go-to expert.’
When you have created your motives, your website content writing has a purpose and mission.
2. Disconnection
When I write, I need quiet, a clear desk and no intrusions from the outside world—no distractions or interruptions.
I start with an idea and research the subject. I then put my thoughts down onto a mind map with bubble charts and scribbles.
At all times I aim to write with my reader in mind asking how will this make a difference to my reader? How will it help them?
3. Use current trends to write about
Is there a particular issue in the news you can repurpose into an excellent case study to highlight a similar situation?
What does your favourite movie have to do with a current problem you resolved for a customer?
Are there any similarities to your business?
For example, the COVID-19 outbreak has forced many of us to work from home.
One of my blog post ideas could be How the coronavirus is helping SMEs reshape their way of working?
4. Can you read it?
Website content writing requires easy to read, short sentences that are clear and concise.
You know my struggle with that.
Why use three words when several are better?
In print, I encourage my customers to actively fill up their white space on invoices and statements using agile marketing and sales messages personalised for their customers.
On a website, it is the opposite.
Too much text, and it is confusing to read. We scan websites rather than read, so the use of white space makes reading copy easy and quick.
5. Write from the heart
Website content writing requires you to write from the heart.
If you are passionate about your subject, show it using words that describe what it means to you.
Let your creative writing juices flow from your soul.
Don’t try and amend your copy until you have finished writing your content.
Write it in any order you wish.
I brain dump as I write making and expanding the points I want to highlight.
6. Proofread and then edit it
Now is the time to put your writing into some order so it flows smoothly and makes sense to your reader.
I read mine aloud so I can check the flow.
Good luck and happy writing.
Contact me to find out more here.
Further reading for you