Content writer
SEO Copywriting tips for SMEs

An introduction to what is a content writer?

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This blog isn’t a how-to post but my own opinion about what it takes to be a content or business writer. content writer

Does your business need a content writer?

I use the word content and business in the same sentence because I write content for SMEs.

Content and business writing is more than words on a page; it involves three stages:

  1. Research
  2. Plan
  3. Write

To be a good story writer requires a vivid imagination.

As a writer, I have to understand the customers’ customer who their audience is, the buyer, the end-user, the buyers’ persona referred to by marketers.

Quality copy reflects the brand or business’ with sales content adapted for its audience.

Content writers need to adapt and master a multitude of writing skills to suit different audiences in various industries.

Writing for the plumbing sector requires a different skill set to writing for a psychologist each have their varying degrees of industry jargon, but the writing has the same objective and that is to meet the needs of the reader.

I have a metaphorical tool kit with different tools needed for each writing job.

I need to master various writing skills to suit different audiences, and that’s not easy.

Writing is hard work, being consistent harder still, add keyword research and thinking up original ideas that are SEO optimised even harder.

I love to write, and I love researching I keep a journal and have done for years I also use moleskin to keep a list of big English words which are great for increasing your vocabulary but pretty useless for blog writing.

Good quality writing boosts your website traffic and email list.

content writerBut what’s most important is words help connect with your reader.

I write for the customer first and then for search engines and find it frustrating writing to maximise for SEO so that a blog post or article ranks well by search engines.

I love to share my thoughts and experience and hope that it helps other SMEs when they are starting which, is why I love to write.

And so my reader is critical. I want them to know I care and that they feel like they are understood, that I have the answers to the questions they have been struggling to find.

Writing is about developing empathy with my reader and understanding them.

It is also about writing something helpful and if they take away one idea, then that is a success.

Whether it’s tweeting, texting, blogging or updating anyone can be a writer, but not everyone can write.

“My task, which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel – it is, before all, to make you see” – Joseph Conrad.

And that is what I aspire to do as a business writer.

How can I help you?

Tired of trying to thinking up new ideas for that blog that’s been cast aside?

Need some new copy for your website?

Anything you need help with?

Please get in contact with me.

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