what is your legacy in life

What is your legacy in life?

My final blog for 2019 is about our legacy and what we hope to leave this world when our life is complete.

What is your legacy in life? what is your legacy

How we shape our future and our intentions to make 2020 a year where we leave our imprint on this world came as a result of attending the funeral service of a special friend of my parents.

As I sat listening to the folk who shared details of this person’s life, they talked of love, sacrifice, generosity and faithfulness.

Why does it take death for us to talk so nobly about someone we hold dear to our heart?

Why not tell them what they mean to us when they are alive?

Our legacy is the story we write as we commute the pathway that is life.

It is our the story, our successes, failures and how we lived.

We leave something of ourself behind so that we can be remembered.

What will your legacy be?

Over Christmas I have thought about the legacy I would like to leave behind, what imprint I should leave for people to remember me by.

When I asked friends what they think their legacy should be they looked at me quizzically.

Some said their lasting legacy would be for their children in the form of a will or property.

I think our legacy should be about our own lives and not all about our children.

As I reflect on the last decade and where I am right now, I look forward to the start of a new decade with renewed faith, hope and love.

A legacy reflects the person we were when we lived and should be a parting gift to the people that knew us well, it is a reflection of how we live now projected into the future.

My own legacy is sketched in my journals and I hope will serve as a reminder to my children when I finally depart this world.

what is your legacyBeing remembered means we need to listen to the inner voice that tells us change is imminent and that we need to be ready to make that transition.

Reviewing our life experiences helps us determine what our next steps should be.

With a New Year a few days away it seems right to reflect on what has been and what might be.

“At the end of the day it is not about what you have, or even what you’ve accomplished, it is about who you’ve lifted up, who you have made better, it is about what you’ve given back”.
~ Denzel Washington

Wishing you all a happy new year.

Further reading for you



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