It’s been almost three months since my last personal blog post but I have been concentrating on developing my SEO content writing business.
During this time I’ve been writing and planning I find that to be creative requires solitude and time to be alone.
“On being alone: I think it’s a good thing to do you get to know yourself and I think that’s the most important thing in the whole world”. Robert Paul Smith
Being on my own and being alone has been a big part of my life and whilst this blog isn’t a ‘how-to’ it explains why being on your own or taking time to be alone can make a difference.
I consider time on my own to be valuable it promotes my very existence and helps my self-development.
Being on our own helps us to collect our thoughts and make us more aware of who we are.
I believe that the most important relationship is the one that we have with ourselves.
Society places too much emphasis on being in some kind of relationship either a romantic one or a partnership.
Learning to set aside time for the needs of our own in order that we can be there for somebody else requires discipline.
Unless we know ourselves how can we be sure to choose the right relationship that will support and fuel our growth?
I am baffled by people who can’t be alone or need the constant engagement of others.
When we experience time alone free from distractions of others only then do we find time to discover the essence of who we are.
During the months of May and June, I underwent an ACL reconstruction of my knee.
Confined to home for six weeks and unable to drive the effects of the anaesthetic made me feel very depressed and I truly did feel very much alone even though there were genuine offers of help.
During this period of self-imposed exile, I learnt a lot about my resilience.
In spite of what life might throw at you, resilience is probably one of the most important elements that make us the person we are.
Being resilient gives us the strength to carry on even when the chips are down and to find a way through a set of difficult circumstances.
Women have more independence than at any other time in history, we can support ourselves financially, socially and emotionally.
This freedom allows us to choose what we want meaning we don’t need to be in a relationship just for emotional support.
When we make time to be alone it helps replenish our support system and our personal growth.
Understanding what it feels like to be on our own enables us to better give ourselves fully to a relationship.
Making a choice to take the time to enjoy being alone allows us to explore our most important relationship, the one that we have with ourselves.
It may seem selfish to schedule time for ourselves but is vital for our own well-being.
I aim to have Saturday afternoons this gives me the time to step out of my role as wife and mother and to spend time doing what I want to do without any distractions.
I would love to make time each day even if it’s fifteen minutes to sit back and reflect, visualise, meditate and be mindful but like most working women we rarely get the time.
It is important to recognise the value of making time for you and by trying to make a commitment to do this daily.
At the start of 2020, my challenge for you is to make a concerted effort to make time for you.
Sit down and read a book, reflect, meditate or go for a walk and breathe in the air and let me know how you get on.
Until next time.