SEO Copywriting tips for SMEs

What is copywriting?

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is the ability to create magic through the use of words. It is the writer’s creativity and artistic talent that makes copy memorable.

You’ll find words on advertisements, billboards, promotional material, brochures, websites and in print.

Copywriters are salespeople they have to be able to write words that sell and entice a customer to make a purchase and start them on the buying journey.

‘Copy is a direct conversation with the consumer’ ~ Shirley Polykoff.

The words they use help persuade the customer to do something, to take action and it isn’t all about writing.

Over the last ten years the copywriting edit has changed shifting more from print to online.

The sales and marketing needs of organisations have also changed requiring a laser-sharp focus on generating content strategy.

Why is content so important and why hire a copywriter?

Content is the fuel that starts the process of social media interaction.

Without any content, there is no interaction, no engagement, the wheels of the internet would effectively grind to a halt because there would be nothing to view or say.

Copywriters provide the energy that keeps the internet engine running.

Why because:

  • They are creatives
  • They generate original content
  • They are analytical
  • They adapt to the needs of your customer

What is copywriting?Well written target centred content is the start of the sales process because if it is good it gets the attracts attention, and it gets the buyer to take action.

Well written copy that is both informative useful will engage the reader longer.

Think about when you are researching a new product or you are looking for a service.

When you find the website that answers those niggling questions and you learn something more about the product or service you want to buy, that’s great copywriting.

It’s also a great user experience meaning the content provides a good experience for the reader; it makes you feel good when you discover something you didn’t know.

Brands use content to connect with their audience who buy their products and services.

The wrong words use din copy can have a negative impact on a brand’s reputation.

Anyone can write, we do it every day in the form of emails, business letters, reports and presentations but the art of actually writing something that sells you, your product and company or both takes skill and understanding.

All of this takes time, planning and thought.

The UK’s private sector boasts 5.7 million SME’s, with small businesses accounting for more than 99.3% of all private sector businesses.

That’s a lot of competition so, in order to stay ahead of the game, you need to differentiate themselves in a very crowded market place.

With limited budgets, SME’s don’t have dedicated marketing teams and if your ‘brand’ is unknown you may well be missing out on future business opportunities.

Copywriting is an important element of a complex marketing mix but is essential if you want to make your business stand out.

A copywriter will understand your biggest challenges, what your strengths are, who your competition is and write content for your website that acts as a trigger for your customer to take action.

How do they do it?

  • By writing in a language your customer will understand
  • They will write in a ‘tone and personality’ that suits your business using words that are lead generators
  • They seek to understand the types of businesses and people you are want to attract
  • They want to understand what makes your company different
  • Copywriters save you time – your business is your business and not writing
  • They have a good understanding of the internet and the importance of SEO
  • They aim to write so that your content ranks well on Google by using the right trigger words.

Copywriters work to understand your customer profile and write in a way that creates an emotional bond with your customer so they buy from you.

If you need a great copywriter to refresh your website, write that business blog or sales & marketing brochures then drop me your details and let’s see how I can help you.

1 Comment
  1. Kathy 5 years ago

    Great post! Another couple of reasons businesses hire freelance copywriters: the biz may not want to hire a full time staffer. And freelancers are accessible. If you specialize in the employer’s niche, even better!

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