web content writer, seo copywriting
SEO Copywriting tips for SMEs

SEO content writing for SMEs. How to max out your content with good SEO?

My job is to write content and SEO content writing for SMEs.

I like to write about content and its virtues in terms of getting your brand and message out into the world.

It is the backbone of my writing business and needs to be part of your marketing strategy to ensure that your business gets found.

SEO means ensuring your website is optimised with keywords so that it ranks better in search results also known as SERPs. (Search engine results pages).web content writer, seo copywriting

Keywords are part of the whole process of SEO.

Whilst they don’t improve your website ranking on their own if they are used with quality content and links it can make a huge difference.

Good SEO increases traffic to your website.

Well written content and strategic use of keywords will show Google that your page should rank higher than that of your competitors.

As an SEO content writer I am asked the following by owners and managers of SMEs:

  • How do I come up with ideas for a blog
  • What should be included, and,
  • Where do I start?

I am going to cover the above in a bit more detail.

SEO content writing is hard work and starting a blog from scratch isn’t easy, I’ve been there and I am still learning.

SEO content writing, maximising your SEOIdeas and thoughts?

Is your blog personal or is it for business?

What is your niche?

For example, Finance for SMEs, Business Coaching, Printing,  HR & Recruitment, Hobbying, Sketching & drawing?

Who is your audience?

Where are they likely to be?

What do you like to write about?

Coming up with ideas can be the hardest thing irrespective of how passionate you feel about your subject.

Before you start writing you need to think up some ideas or topics.

Choose one, an example might be something like ‘how to make teamwork the main priority for your business?’ (if you are a business coach) or, how to find the right accountant for your business? (if you are a firm of accountants), how to make sure you use the right paper for watercolour painting (if you are an artist or illustrator)

There is a wealth of content available and not just on the internet.

Your own experience and knowledge are a wonderful asset and people love to read personal stories.

But by narrowing it down helps you get really specific and stay on topic whilst writing.

If you can write from your own experience this makes your content highly relatable to the right audience.SEO content writer, copywriter

Coming up with ideas

I start with a germ of an idea often from a newspaper or from something that I have read online that piques my interest and is relevant to my niche and then I develop my idea from there.

Sketching out a mind map of the elements that need to be added helps me focus.

Then I research building on the strength of my idea and pad out the mind map starting with the title of the blog post.

This helps me to be laser-focused on the writing.

Quite often, my finished work goes in a different direction to the idea I started with.

I try to keep it relevant and on point but can wander off-topic.

Writing isn’t about me or for me, but for prospective customers who might want help with their content writing.

What to include in your blog post?

Quality over quantity is the maxim.

Interesting, informative, unique and well-written content makes the difference.

The copy needs to flow and make sense and your keywords need to fit around your words in a logical order.

Maximising keywords that are well-positioned within the copy make content relevant.

The keywords you choose should be relevant to the topic you are writing about.

Keyword stuffing is a no-no under Google guidelines and as a general rule 400-600 words should contain your keyword no more than twice.

If the copy reads like a load of gobbledygook with overuse of keywords and doesn’t make sense then you know its been written only with SEO in mind.

How do you start?

First of all, decide on the topic or angle then find keywords that match the topic you are writing about.

I use google keywords planner it works best for me but there are others available.

Aim to use a number of keyword longtail phrases that fit within your topic you are writing about.

An example of this might be “florists in Bedford”.

You can use different search phrases and include them when writing the copy but ensure there is a logical order.

Put yourself in the shoes of your reader, what words do you think they would use to find your topic online?

Write the article using the keywords then edit the post making sure it reads well and has a logical flow.

The most important keywords should be written at the top of the page and certainly within the first paragraph.

Include them once in your main heading and SEO title tag, subheadings meta descriptions (snippets) all of which help your page climb up the rankings.

Don’t forget to proofread it one final time.

I like to have the time to write and then go back to it the day after.

I can then remove the cringe-worthy errors and hopefully end up with something that is palatable to my readers.

Writing takes time so why not hire a content writer to do the work for you?

Please contact me using the form below for a free no-obligation chat.

All the best!

Further reading for you





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