Taking it a day at a time

Taking it a day at a time

Why taking a day at a time is the best plan during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Taking it a day at a time
Taking it a day at a time

Plan what plan? I’m taking it a day at a time.

As the weeks unfold the only real preparation I’m doing is daily meals, the weekly food shopping and what work I am doing the next day.

Ther’s no holiday booked, a day trip out, a meal, an appointment to have my hair colour and cut for or get my nails done.


To plan is futile. No, I am taking each day as it comes and, making the most of each day.

While being homebound, the same mundane tasks such as house cleaning need doing.

I miss my domestic goddesses who came in once a week and blitzed my house clean.

I hate the fact that I have to psychologically up myself ready for the Tuesday and Friday cleaning.

Until a week ago, I had the help of my kids, but now both are back to remote learning, it’s down to me.

Taking it a day at a time

I try to find joy in the mundane tasks.

I listen to music, earphones on and sing out of tune as I hoover and mop the floors.

My dusting skills have reached epic proportions.

I get on with it because if I don’t, I will talk myself out of it.

As someone who is on the OCD spectrum and cleaning is one of them, I’m sincerely hoping that this social distancing doesn’t go on for much longer; otherwise, I’ll be cleaning the garden shed.

Being at home does have it’s advantages.

I remember moving to the house we live in now over 15 years ago.

I was excited, I had an eight-month-old baby and a soon to be 5 year old.

But once settled in our new home, I felt disconnected and unsure of my roots, it took a good few months to feel like it was home.

I have always been that way. I can put roots down anywhere, but it takes time for it to feel like home.

When I worked in the U.S. many years ago, I found ‘home’ and could have put down my roots except for the draw of my family in England.

Taking it a day at a time

I am experiencing each day as it comes and not planning any further than tomorrow.

A few weeks ago, I felt uncertain, anxiety mixed with a form of grief associated with the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Everything was on hold.

Something was missing, and I felt like a swimmer who couldn’t see the shoreline, it was a horrible feeling.

I awoke in the mornings with heart palpitations, and for a moment everything felt right in the world and then it wasn’t.

A friend described the same feelings of worry and sleepless nights with no end in sight.

As a family, we have accepted the status quo, we can’t control what is uncontrollable, but we can control how we react.

The way we make an effort to show up and engage in daily life will help make us ready to handle any future when it finally does arrive, and normal life resumes once again.

Further reading for you




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